Why I Love Lightcafe


Hello, I’m Jason. I have been asked to talk about what I like about Lightcafe. Lightcafe is the first and only Japanese company I’ve worked for. I came from working at a very western German company in The U.S., so I will admit there was a bit of concern when I came to Japan and started looking for a job. The image of Japanese companies in the west is that it is a very rigid work environment. Lightcafe is not like that at all and is actually quit the opposite.

What I like about Lightcafe is it is a very strong creative startup like atmosphere to work in. If you have an idea for a project that you think could be successful, they are willing to meet with you and listen, and help shape your idea into something viable for the company if it sounds like something that could work. They also support you in trying new roles if you show an interest. They will start you off with simple tasks and progressively give you harder ones until you get up to speed with everyone else. I can’t say I ever had this kind of support at my old job. Basically, Lightcafe is a healthy and creative work environment similar to how it is at a small startup in San Francisco or Berlin.

Now for the kicker, everyone in Japan wears suits right? Wrong! At Lightcafe you wear what you want. If you are going to a client’s office you have to adhere to their dress code of course, but if you aren’t going to any customer’s locations you can wear what makes you comfortable. Being comfortable is detrimental to producing good work and Lightcafe realized this from the first point.

My final point and most important of all; When I first came to Japan, many Japanese companies wouldn’t even interview for positions I was eligible for so I worked contract jobs in foreign companies while looking for full time work at any place that would have me. Lightcafe sees everyone for who they are and not where they came from. Their goal is to move into the international market so they understand the necessity of having a culturally diverse team if they are to succeed abroad. I am honored to be a part of Lightcafe and I will continue to do my best to help Lightcafe realize its goal.